17 - 19 March 2025
Excel London


Michael Sinclair

Michael Sinclair

Design Consultant, Michael Sinclair Design & Consulting

Michael Sinclair is an extremely talented and experienced foodservice design consultant, working across a wide range of hospitality sectors based in the UK as well as internationally.
He has worked on many prestigious projects, receiving a number of awards on the way through his career to date

Michael also is engaged with review and advisory client side roles, overseeing the development of the core foodservice design development to completion. He assists associations such as CEDA with their education programs, giving guidance for designers and project managers alike and welcomes the opportunity to assist within the industry with resolving technical issues. Now residing in Dorset Michael can often be found near the sea, either walking, swimming or lately Gig Rowing.


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HRC 2025

FREE Registration Closes This Sunday!

Please note that FREE registration for HRC closes on Sunday 16th March at midnight, after this time an onsite fee of £40 will apply. For full payment terms and conditions please see here.