17 - 19 March 2025
Excel London


01 Feb 2022

Re-Open Right Hacks with SRA: Daylesford Organic

Re-Open Right Hacks with SRA: Daylesford Organic

Restaurants have been stretching every sinew to get customers to eat out again and, almost as importantly, make them feel safe and comfortable enough so they return. Many though, have also taken steps to ensure that this isn’t at the expense of the planet, their staff or their suppliers.

Sustainable Restaurant Association members large and small from across the UK, have been making Herculean efforts to serve their customers once again with sustainability front of mind.

Read on for a cracking example of exemplary post-lockdown-practice in keeping a lid on single-use packaging. Daylesford Organic is just one of our fantastic members who epitomise the phrase ‘Re-Open Right’. There are dozens of ways operators can have a positive impact on the planet and their pocket. For more member examples of Re-Open Right Hacks click below.


Daylesford Organic - Keeping a lid on single use 

Celebrated champions of the best organic, high welfare produce, sourced from its own Gloucestershire Farm and a handful of carefully selected suppliers, the Daylesford Organic farmshop’s and cafes sets equally high standards when it comes to packaging and so-called disposables.

Re-opening sustainably as well as safely presented a challenge to a business like Daylesford, committed to saying no to single-use. So, the team thought creatively and intuitively to ensure their standards didn’t slip, providing customers with a safe and sustainable service.

One example of the many innovative measures Daylesford devised for re-opening was its menu. While many opted for disposable single-use paper menus to minimise cross-contamination between covers, the Daylesford team decided to reopen cafes with a digital version. Since early July, Daylesford’s Pimlico Road site alone has saved nearly 5,000 menus from being produced, and in turn binned. A saving for the bottom line and the planet.

For other foodservice businesses looking to reopen with minimised single use, the Daylesford team encourage businesses to take an honest review of current consumption, and ask whether its use is entirely necessary, or if a reusable option exists. Whilst keeping customers safe is a key priority for the industry, now is equally not the time to backtrack on our single-use pledges.


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