17 - 19 March 2025
Excel London


14 Mar 2024

Mechline to create a hub for combatting costs, bacteria and FOGs at HRC

Mechline to create a hub for combatting costs, bacteria and FOGs at HRC

Mechline – the Manufacturers of specialise equipment for the foodservice industry – are set to transform their HRC stand (H2051) into a hub for helping operators combat costs, bacteria and FOGS.

This includes the significant water savings that operators can make when investing in various Mechline water products such as the BaSix hands-free basin range, with push-front time flow operation; AquaJet pre-rinse sprays with choice of water-saving guns; and the AquaTechnix range of taps and pre-rinses with water-saving diffusers and face plates, which can, for example, save operators up to 62% of water! 

Mechline – the Manufacturers of specialise equipment for the foodservice industry – are set to transform their HRC stand (H2051) into a hub for helping operators combat costs, bacteria and FOGS.

This includes the significant water savings that operators can make when investing in various Mechline water products such as the BaSix hands-free basin range, with push-front time flow operation; AquaJet pre-rinse sprays with choice of water-saving guns; and the AquaTechnix range of taps and pre-rinses with water-saving diffusers and face plates, which can, for example, save operators up to 62% of water! 


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HRC 2025

FREE Registration Closes This Sunday!

Please note that FREE registration for HRC closes on Sunday 16th March at midnight, after this time an onsite fee of £40 will apply. For full payment terms and conditions please see here.