17 - 19 March 2025
ExCeL London

Exhibitor News

23 Jan 2024

Vent Hygiene Register

Tecmaster Commercial Kitchen Cleaning Stand: H1665
Vent Hygiene Register
Tecmaster are very Proud to be a member of the Vent Hygiene Register

Protect people, property and reputation easily, with a contractor you can trust.

All Vent Hygiene Register contractors have completed our robust audit which ensures they can demonstrate their commercial and technical ability. They also work to the industry specification TR19® Grease, which is recognised by the RISCAuthority, British Standards and London Fire Brigade.

Don't watch your reputation go up in flames, find vent hygiene contractors you can trust: https://lnkd.in/gHQi-zrH

#TR19 #VentHygieneRegister #FirePrevention #FireRiskManagement #GreaseAccumulation #KitchenExtractionSystems #VHR


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